
What is LightningPod?

Hi! I'm Eric Johnson, the founder of LightningPod.
Podcasting has become an important medium for creativity and thought leadership, for everyone — solo artists, tiny startups, global companies, non-profits, universities, politicians, and more. But there's a big problem.

Starting a podcast is easy; making a podcast is hard. Too many creators with great ideas get burned out and end their shows in frustration.

It doesn't have to be this way. There are no guarantees in the media world, but working with LightningPod will make success — however you define it — more attainable.

Headshot of BumbleCast founder Eric Johnson.
Photo by Sarah Deragon
A photo of two podcasters sitting in front of a microphone and a laptop.
What do you do, exactly?
Good question! LightningPod helps individuals and businesses start podcasts of their own, or improve their existing shows. We only work with creators 1:1 because every project is different; for more on that, we urge you to read our values.

Click here to learn more about our services.
Questions? Contact us:

Mailing address available upon request.
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