You should have a podcast. Let's make one together.
  • 135 million

    Monthly podcast listeners in the U.S.*
  • 325%

    Growth in weekly listeners since 2014*
  • $17.5 billion

    Forecasted industry value in 2030**

Whether you're looking to build a bigger following, connect with customers or employees, or just get your story out there, podcasts should be part of your plan. And even if you have no experience with podcasting, LightningPod can help.
How does LightningPod help you
realize your podcasting goals?
  • Market-leading expertise
    Starting a podcast sounds easy, but actually making a podcast is hard work. We'll teach you the best practices in the podcast industry, built on years of experience and encompassing every aspect of production.
  • Personalized service
    After you fill out one of our survey, we'll schedule a virtual consultation to start addressing your podcasting goals, or your company's. After the call, we'll follow up with specific recommendations for your next steps.
  • Continuous support
    Until your project is done, we'll be there to help. We'll work around your schedule to deliver what you need. And if you're integrating a podcast with pre-existing marketing, PR, or other operations, we'll bend over backwards to make that happen smoothly.
  • Special rates available
    We believe a more diverse and inclusive podcasting industry is better for everyone. That's why we offer lower rates for independent creators. Or, if you've been referred by one of our existing clients, you may be eligible for a special discount.
We can help you with ...
LightningPod has the skills, tools, and insights to guide you through any or all of these tricky subjects. Need something else? Just ask!
Icon of a hand, holding a pencil
  • Audio and video editing
  • Descriptions and show notes
  • How to interview someone
  • Pitching and booking guests
  • Reporting and sound-gathering
  • Professionally-edited transcripts
Icon of a person giving a business presentation
  • Advertising
  • Donations and subscriptions
  • E-mail newsletters
  • Marketing and branding
  • Video strategy
  • Time management
Icon of a person wearing headphones and speaking into a microphone
  • Buying equipment
  • Home studios
  • Microphone technique
  • Outdoor and live tapings
  • Virtual recordings
  • Website design
Icons made by Freepik, Pause08, and Smashicons, from
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